Tuesday 12 October 2010

"Arabian Sonic Girls" by DarkArtistKaiser

The artist's comment for this piece begins with the words "Oooooooh god where to start..." and I honestly couldn't agree more with artist DarkArtistKaiser. Where on earth DO I start with this.

It would be difficult to find a worse example of animal heads on human bodies than this (without checking FurAffinity, anyway). Look at those long, stringy necks. This is horrid. I am repulsed by these creatures.

If I met an actual woman shaped like this I would scream. They all look like they've been stretched in unnatural ways. It's haunting.

The artist's comment for this piece reveals that it's actually a gift piece for a friend, but there is also a bit of passive-aggressiveness thrown in for fun. "I just had so little motivation to really get it done," DarkArtistKaiser says, "I mean yeah, a belly dancer Rouge, who wouldn't want that? I got EmperorNorton2s part of the trade, which was Rouge stuffing herself for 3 comics. Which was fine...just fine. I didn't ask for a stuffing comic, I asked for a vore comic. Somewhere along the lines he got that mixed up. Somehow. I don't even know when I kept reminding him just to make sure."

Shame on you, EmperorNorton2! Kaiser wanted VORE, not STUFFING! What an amateur mistake!!

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